Training camp was very difficult for me. I cried a lot. At training camp we did some very difficult simulations to prepare us for the field. We slept on a bus and went for a hike with our packs on. I got annoyed mostly because I didnt think things like that would happen on the field, and if they did, would it help that I had already done it once?
The past three days my whole squad went on a little pilgrimage to another village in Honduras. All sixty of us went with our contact we live with and the pastor my team works with, Pastor Armando. We spent three days there that were pretty difficult for me, though, I think they would have been more difficult if I hadn’t experienced training camp and a month on the field already.
The village was extremely hot! We played soccer (of corse, we were with Pastor Armando), we taught at schools, and we went door to door in the hot village inviting people to church. We walked through rivers, like really walked a half a mile in a river up to my waist. All of this with two outfits and no showers. Even though I totally loved the ministry and the village and the way they loved us, I really struggled with being so nasty and wet all the time.
But I got through it with a big smile on my face the whole time because I have learned so much this past month in Honduras, and even that week at training camp. I have become a much more flexible person (and nasty person, I still haven’t showered and I’ve been back since yesterday). I have learned patience and stamina. And I can honestly say that things we did at training camp are coming true in real life, and I am handling them much better this time around.